The Statute

The CFPR is registered, since 03/23/1994, at the Ministry of University and Scientific and Technological Research,with the code of  the National Research Register, No.518914Z6

 From October 1st 2013, the CFPR had the NGO recognition in Egypt:
Italian-Egyptian Centre for Restoration and Archaeology (CIERA), with license of the  Ministry of Social Solidarity  No. 96


(registered in Rome, February 22,1990)

Bongrani Luisa, Egyptologist Professor at the Rome University “La Sapienza”
Campanella Vittorio, Restorer, CNR Rome
Fanfoni Giuseppe, CIERA Director, Professor at the “State Institute of Art” in Rome
Gabrielli Nazzareno, Director of Scientific Laboratories of the Vatican Museums
Orsini Gabriele, Engineer
Retacchi Francesco, Engineer Manager, at the Ministry of Industry
Volpe Nazzareno, Architect

• that among the appearing parties there is an association called “PROFESSIONAL TRAINING CENTER IN RESTORATION”, based in Rome, operating in the field of development cooperation;
• that in the context of development cooperation, the association, as such, has established, among other things, the Italian-Egyptian Center for Restoration and Archeology;
• that the parties intend to file the rules governing the life of the association all this being stated and to be considered as an integral and substantial part of the present,  between the appearing parties it is agreed and stipulated as follows,
Art. 1 – An association called “Vocational Training Center for Restoration” is established.
The association has its registered office in Roma, Via S. Ippolito 46, int. 1, where, as well as in other seats set up by the “Centre”, the archive, the photo library and papers’ collection related to the activities of the center are located.
Art.2 – The association, regardless of the activities of its members, has no profit.
Art. 3 – The duration of the association is indefinite.
Art. 4 – The association aims to:
1) to push and support, particularly in developing countries, educational programs in the field of archeology, restoration and conservation in general, through the work-site school, camp-school and training courses, aimed, on an application level, to the execution of recovery works to be be considered as models for future actions;
2) to urge any initiative promoting studies, researches, methodologies and technologies appropriate for the conservation of cultural architectural and environmental heritage, in accordance with the historical and social values ​​of the concerned areas.
3) to establish a direct collaboration with universities and training institutions in the restoration sector, joining theoretical courses to practical applications aimed at the implementation of recovery projects;
4) to promote all the possible cooperation in the field of application, with universities, agencies, organizations and experienced specialists, technicians and craftsmen, for the creation of centers of archeology, restoration and conservation in developing countries;
5) to spread, for an effective and direct action in the field of social development, the results of the research and work carried out by means of all the media, in the fields of literature, film, television, educational and scientific in general, promoting meetings, courses, cultural events, conferences, exhibitions, literary publications and the production of films and television programs;
6) to promote, where appropriate, links with all the associations or public/private institutions both in Italy and abroad, for procuring, for the benefit of members, on condition of reciprocity, all the facilities and informations related to the specific activities, promoting and supporting any cultural connected activity;
7) to perform all the activities that the Board deems however useful or necessary for achieving the social goals.
Art. 5 – The assets of the association are made up of the contributions of the members, of proprietary real estate, furniture, plants and equipment, of any reserve set aside by budget surpluses, of publishing rights, film or television-related, linked to informative activities, of donations and any other contributions, received anyway by the association, as well as grants and commissions for specific programs.
Art. 6 – The financial year is the calendar year.
Art. 7 – All the people and organizations who have objective interest to the purposes of the association may be admitted to the association.
The members are ordinary and joined.
Ordinary members are those who have participated in the establishment act or members that are unanimously accepted as such by the Board.
The offices are reserved to ordinary members only.
Joined members are those people who make a written request containing the acceptance of the aims of the Association.
They can participate in the activities of the association and collaborate to the achievement of the membership programs.
For their acceptance, the applications for joined membership must be presented at least by two ordinary members and relevant payment of the annual fee foreseen in art. 9 has to be done.
The applications must be accepted by the Board.
Also Italian and foreign associations and companies can be associated as joined members.
Art. 8 – Membership of the Association implies the obligation for the member to observe this Statute and the resolutions to be implemented, according to it, by statutory bodies, as well as any subsequent regulation approved by the Board.
Art. 9 – Each member must pay to the association the fee established each year by the Board.
Art. 10 – The status of member is lost:
a) by resignation of the member to be submitted by means of a registered letter;
b) due to lack of payments due for over two years;
c) by radiation rendered against the member who commits actions contrary to association’s statutory goals or unworthy acts according to law and the moral sense current.
Art. 11 – The organs of the association are:
the General Assembly of the members;
the Board;
the President;
the Auditors’ Committee.
Art. 12 – The General Assembly is composed of all members in compliance with fees’ payments.
It can be ordinary and extraordinary.
The Ordinary Assembly shall be convened at least once a year by means of a registered letter, addressed to each member at least eight days before the date established for the meeting.
The notice shall contain the agenda, the date, the time and the place of the meeting, for both first and second call.
The Extraordinary Assembly is convened following a request of a majority of the Board or a request of at least one-fifth of the ordinary members.
Each member may be represented by another member by written proxy.
Each member may not be entrusted by more than two proxies.
The Ordinary General Assembly shall decide on the general directives of the association to achieve its statutory objectives, and on the balance sheet and budget, shall provide for the election of the governing bodies of the Association, whose members will be re-elected consecutively and remain in office for three years, shall state the annual fee of the Association and shall decide on appeals against exclusion and non-acceptance of applications approved by the Board.
The Assembly pass resolutions in first and second call with the majority of the half plus one vote of the ordinary members present or represented, on all matters including statutory changes, except for the amendments to Articles l) and 2), 3) and 4) of the statute, for which is required a majority of two/thirds of the ordinary members.
The Assembly is chaired by the President assisted by a secretary and two scrutineers appointed by the Assembly.
The President will ensure the verification of credentials and, at the end of the Assembly, the Secretary will draw up minutes of the meeting which will be signed by it together with the tellers
Art. 13 – The Association is governed by a Board consisting of three to five members, who serve for three years and are elected by the members among the members of longest stay and of most diligent implementation of programs carried out by the Association.
In the event of death or resignation of a member, the Board will replace him, delegating to the next Ordinary Assembly the appointment’s ratification.
The Board shall be convened as often as the President deems necessary or on the initiative of at least three Board’s members.
The Board, chaired by the President or by the Vice President or by the most senior members, takes decisions with a majority vote of the presents. In the event of a parity, the vote of the President prevails.
For the validity of the decisions of the Board the presence of the members’ majority is needed.
The Board is responsible for the ordinary and extraordinary management of the association, it defines the operational guidelines to achieve the purposes of the association approved by the Assembly; decides on the admission and the exclusion of members, sets the date of the Ordinary Assembly and may convene the extraordinary one; it writes the internal Rules of the association, it may appoint advisory groups to study particular problems and for the conduct of social action.
The Board shall appoint the President and the Vice President by a majority of two thirds, and may appoint , even among members who are not members of the Board, a Secretary to whom it delegates tasks of coordination and execution, as well as a treasurer to be entrusted with the responsibility of cash funds.
The Board may confer some of its powers to one or more members.
Art.14 – The President is the legal representative and has the signature for the Association.
The President convenes and chairs the Board, determines tf the agenda of the Board, oversees the implementation of its resolutions and signs the acts involving commitments of the association.
In the event of absence or incapacity of the President, the legal representation and the functions of the President are assumed by the Vice President.
The term of office of the President and of the Vice President are identical to those of the Board.
The President, inter alia, may perform all movable assets, real estate and financial, including the opening and closing of accounts required for the achievement of social goals.
Art. 15 – The Auditors’ Committee is composed of three members elected by the Assembly with the duration and conditions as for the Board.
The Auditors’ Committee monitors the administration of the Association and the regularity of record keeping, reviews the budgets and final accounts, makes findings and cash inspections, reporting to the Board, and expresses an advisory opinion on the ammission or the exclusion of members.
The Auditors’ Committee shall judge as a friendly composer arbitrator in disputes between association and its members or between the members, for reasons connected with the life of the association.
Article 16 – The members agree not to sue for any differences that may arise among them and with the Association for reasons relative to the associative life unless having submitted them to the Auditors’ Committee’s judgment.
Art. 17 – Dissolution of the association is approved by the General Assembly with a majority of at least two-thirds of the members, which decides also on the destination of the remaining assets of the Association at the time of dissolution, in accordance with applicable italian laws.
Art. 18 – For all matters not covered by this statute, specific reference is made to the provisions of law in force.